RESTORE - Exactly What Does It Involve?

RESTORE - What’s involved?

The outcome of the programme is simple - you will learn how to manage your anxiety and learn how to master the 3 Cs so that instead of feeling unstable, inadequate and destructive, you can begin to work out how to feel calm, competent and content.


I've called this program Restore, because that's our focus here - to support you to break anxiety’s choke-hold on your happiness, to gradually feel less ‘stuck’ and restore your faith in your ability to cope, even when the sh*t hits the fan!


To do that, we are going to look at how to work on the 3 big problems that prevent women from feeling calm, competent and content.


Problem 1: You feel like you’re an unpredictable, emotionally unstable ‘over-reactor’


It can feel like you’re on an emotional see-saw - you are very up and down, often switching from rage, to tears, to numbness with the odd sunny patch - you feel like a weather vane in a hurricane, and sods law, it tends to happen exactly when you need to be cool, calm and collected!


I am going to support you to become calmer – to create confidence that your feelings are valuable, reliable assets that help you determine what your emotional needs are and how best to meet them.

As your confidence levels rise, your anxiety levels will fall, which will help you to feel stable and calm.

Problem 2: Feeling Ashamed & Guilty Because Your Anxiety Stops You From Coping (And Yet Everyone Else Manages ‘Just Fine’)


You keep trying to get on top of your fearful feelings and your emotional ups & downs, but the quick fixes you find never seem to deliver.  Every failure leads to increased anxiety, more shame and higher levels of guilt at your own helplessness in the face of ‘basic adulting.’ You look around and feel like you see everyone else managing the things you struggle with, and you feel completely inadequate. 


I am going to support you to create a sense of your own competence:

Realistic expectations set you up for success & reduce your fears by making failure: 

a) less likely - because you don’t try to do the impossible 

b) more bearable - by helping you acknowledge your limits. 

Problem 3: You are worried because your anxiety is having a negative impact on your relationships with family, friends & colleagues. 


You work hard on your relationships - you give and you give - but often feel you get little in return. Your resentment levels climb, you try to hold it all in…but regularly blow your top, your good intentions in tatters. You feel ashamed & scared to see your kids walking on eggshells around you, & your heart sinks at the distance your anxiety & volatility creates between yourself and your partner and/or friends.


And / or you retreat from other people in your ‘down time’ and realise that you have fewer close relationships than you would like and no idea how to ‘get out there’ and either re-kindle distanced, existing relationships or start some completely new ones.


I am going to support you to draw clear boundaries so you can create drama-free relationships. Once you are clear about your own needs and expectations, your relationships are set up to blossom and you will tend to find your loved ones easier to enjoy (and vice versa.)


The end result is that you are now on your way to feeling calm, competent and content, with greater understanding of how to bring your anxiety under control, and you reaping all the benefits that come with that.

Here’s how you and I will work together to make this happen: 

The System: We’ll partner for 6 wonderful months. You’ll progress through the Restore learning pathway (all 5-15 minute videos which get you to implement as you watch so you can move forward quickly in bitesize chunks). You’ll hit milestones through the programme and receive feedback on the important discoveries you make and the uses you plan to put them to.


You will have learned a lot of stuff about yourself, your anxiety - how and why it’s been holding you back in the first 4-6 weeks. But we all know that real, lasting change takes time and is created by implementing small, consistent changes.


Our goal by the end of our 6 months together is to have given you the tools, techniques and insights into your emotional systems that will, if utilised regularly, help you to create & maintain a calmer, more competent and more content you.


The Support: You and I will meet every week on a group Zoom call where you can get my help on anything you’re struggling with. You’ll get my full 100% attention to work on whatever you need. Additionally, you get one 1:1 session with me each month, to give you the chance to go a bit deeper and make sure you’re getting the most out of the programme.


The Community: During our 6-month partnership, you’ll be a part of the Restore Community in our Private Facebook Group, surrounded by no more than 5 other wonderful women, who are also there to learn to master their anxieties and create the 3 Cs for themselves.


What’s included?

  • 6 x 1:1 sessions with me throughout the 6 months:  

  • 12 Video Modules with associated tasks, which you can work through at your own speed.

  • 24 Online Group Sessions*, where we check in, discuss how everyone is doing with the course, feeling in general and give and receive support etc. These will start Wednesday 13th September and will run throughout the course, except for a week over Christmas, 7.30 – 9pm (*Groups will have max 6 members)

  • Access to the Restore Private FB Group throughout the 6 months, where members can ask each other questions, share revelations, frustrations, and cultivate a nice little community to further explore whatever comes up for you on the course.

  • 2 x Day Retreats

What’s all this gonna cost me?


The investment for 2023 is £150/month for 6 months.

That works out at about £37 per week for:


-1.5 hours of group support

- access to 12 online modules to work through at your own pace

- a FB group to go to 24/7 when you’re in need of support between calls

-  1:1 monthly sessions with a qualified and experienced counsellor. 

When you consider that one counselling session costs £65, making the cost of counselling alone £260/month, so this is a pretty good deal if I do say so myself!


OK so how do I join Restore?


If we’ve already spoken, simply send me a message with the words ‘I’m in’ and I’ll get you set up.

If we’ve not yet spoken, schedule a 20 minute chat by filling in this form and marking it ‘RESTORE’ or by emailing, where we’ll make sure that this programme aligns with your current needs.

Love It or Leave It Guarantee 

Before joining the programme, we will speak 1-1 so this goes some way to ensure that we both feel Restore is the right fit for you.

I have a ‘Love It or Leave It’ Guarantee. The plan is for you to love Restore and want to stay for the full 6 months. If you complete the first three months and find it’s just not your jam, you can say so, and you can leave, no harm, no foul and no further charges.


Take Care,

Ali xxx


An ADHDer In Love - How I Stopped Rejection Sensitivity From Wrecking My Relationship


Restore: The Anxiety Management Course for Women