It’s time to make yourself a priority. It’s time to put your feelings and needs first
If you’re depressed, anxious, grieving or just really overwhelmed, counselling can help you to feel better.
Talking about your feelings really can make a difference…
Hi there. Thinking about online counselling or 1:1 in-person therapy?
Book a free chat and let’s find out how I can help you to feel better.
No obligation. No pressure to sign up.
Just a conversation to see if I can offer you the right therapeutic ‘fit’.

It’s time to make yourself a priority
It’s time to put your feelings & needs first
If you’re depressed, anxious, grieving or just really overwhelmed, counselling can help you to feel better.
Talking about your feelings really can make a big difference...
Hi there. Thinking about online counselling, 1:1 in-person therapy?
Book a free chat and let’s find out how I can help you to feel better.
No obligation. No pressure to sign up.
Just a conversation to see if I can offer you the right therapeutic ‘fit’.
Self-Love Quiz
Self-love is the foundation of mental health, which is why we created the self-love quiz – to help you measure you self-love level & help you learn how to improve your mental health, so that you can create a happier, more satisfying life!

“I contacted Ali when I was in a pretty low place & couldn’t see the wood for the trees. Her approach was direct, which I needed. Ali helped me sort out & validate my thoughts. By the last session I was in a much better place, feeling more confident about handling things myself.”
Counselling is about creating and holding space for you, so you can talk about your difficult feelings & experiences until you feel better.
Neuroscience now proves that talking does actually help your brain process & manage difficult experiences, thoughts & feelings - sometimes even physical sensations - which tends to help resolve states like:
Talk therapy aims to provide you with a confidential, non-judgemental person, with whom you can feel supported to work out how you feel, what you need, & how to create a happier, more satisfying life for yourself.
It’s a space where you are helped to empower yourself to build up, manage & maintain your own mental health.
What Happens In Counselling Sessions?
You talk
Your counsellor listens
You figure stuff out together
Rinse & repeat as necessary
Stop when you feel not only better, but able to manage your feelings going forward
Useful, huh?
Who is counselling for and what can counselling do for me?
Counselling is like a gym suite for your mind - it’s versatile - it can be used by anyone, and it can serve you in many different ways, depending on your needs & goals.
You can use counselling to gently ‘rehab’ emotional injuries like depression, anxiety, trauma or grief.
Counselling & psychotherapy can strengthen & maintain your mental health levels, so that when life slaps you down, you can bounce back more easily.
Talk therapy can help you challenge negative beliefs about yourself & others so that you can create lasting, positive change and a happier, more satisfying life.
Surely there are others who have it worse than me?
Yeah, I hear that a lot. Probably you are really good at putting the needs of others before your own. And while that’s great for everyone else*, that can leave you struggling to manage the resultant emotional fall-out in yourself.
*everyone else being your husband, wife, spouse, partner, kids, your job, your boss, your clients, your pets…the list goes on, doesn’t it?
That emotional fall-out can manifest differently in different people - but it tends to involve developing symptoms such as:
If things have been feeling difficult, if you’re struggling with thoughts and emotions that you don’t really understand or can’t seem to shake, and/or if day-to-day life just feels like a proper grind, then first off, I’m really sorry things are hard right now.
And secondly, I’d love to see if I can help you feel better.

This is
I’m Ali, I support people just like you to work through their difficult emotional stuff, however that manifests, so that you can live a happier, more satisfying life.
Whether you know exactly what kind of support you need, or you just know you need support of some kind, I am here for you, to help you explore your feelings and to help you to empower yourself to feel better.
What can really make the difference between coping and not coping is the ability to understand and manage your feelings.
That ability will help you to deal with whatever life throws at you, and you can develop it by coming to counselling.
And I know that through experience of receiving as well as delivering counselling.
You’d be hard-pressed to find a counsellor that hasn’t struggled with their mental health at some point - not all counsellors feel it’s useful to admit that, but I have found it to be true. I have been through counselling myself and I know what it can be like to be ‘the client’ as well as ‘the therapist.’
Counselling helped me to feel better and to do better, and it can do the same for you.
Why Am I telling you this?
Because I’m a counsellor but I am also a person who, like you, has struggled with my mental health, and reached out for support.
I know what it was like for me to struggle with anxiety & depression.
I know what it can be like to feel different or misunderstood, and not understand why.
I am very aware of how feeling different or ‘less than’ can make you feel ‘not good enough’
That doesn’t mean I know what it’s like for you, but, in combination with YEARS of training & experience, it definitely is an important part of what helps me to be useful to you.
It means I really do know that if you can talk about, work through and explore those sh*tty feelings, you can learn how to create a happier, more satisfying life.
You can’t help how you feel
That’s a fact
But you can learn how to manage your feelings.
And that really helps.
That’s why I am a believer in supporting you to explore your feelings and talk about them, rather than judging yourself or hating on yourself for things beyond your control.

“I saw Ali for a few months - she totally helped me change my mindset & how I go about things. I’ve changed myself for the better & I now tackle things that would normally trigger my anxieties & depression differently. Thank you!”
When you just feel pretty sh*tty and it won’t budge…
Counselling can help
You might know why you feel low, or you might have no idea where it’s all is coming from.
Either way, talking to me could be a great first step in breaking down those difficult feelings and complicated emotions into smaller, bite-size bits that don’t feel so hard to digest.
I can help you with:
Life is busy and stuff happens everyday that we don’t expect. Feeling like things are out of your control, snapping all the time, or suffering with panic attacks and other physical symptoms.
When you spend so much time being there for everyone else, your own emotional reserves drop low. You might be angry and tearful, unmotivated, feel hopeless, or permanently exhausted.
Work, kids, spouse/partner, things at home, work, the dog, the cat, the parents…the physical and emotional labour levels are burning you out and you don’t know what to do about it.
Domestic Violence &/or Narcissistic Abuse
It can be lonely & frightening to find yourself tangled up in a complicated, manipulative relationship. You might feel like there’s nowhere to turn, like you’re going crazy & feel trapped & hopeless.
It’s a huge physical and emotional change and it brings new emotions and feelings. It amplifies all mental health issues, making many women wonder if they need HRT or a divorce.
It happens to all of us, yes, but that doesn’t make it any easier when you lose someone you love or are close to. Feeling under pressure to ‘move on’ or ‘gain closure’ is really hard.
Low self-esteem
Thinking and feeling like ‘you’re not good enough’ or comparing yourself to others can hold you back from living the life you want to live. You might feel like it’s pointless trying to measure up.
Struggling with difficult feelings and/or historic experiences that still feel 'fresh', unbearable and unresolved. You might be struggling with flashbacks or trying not to think about what happened
Newly diagnosed with ADHD or Autism? Or maybe you’ve always felt like ‘the odd one out’ in groups, like everyone else got the ‘How To Socialise & Cope with Life’ guide but you?
Honestly, the very best way to see if I can help you is for us to have a chat
We can talk about as much or as little of what’s bothering you as you like (that’s entirely up to you,) but most importantly, you can spend 60 minutes for FREE figuring out if you feel like you can trust me with what’s troubling you.